English Proficiency, Problems in Learning English and Attitudes toward Learning English of Graduate Students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

Bundit Anuyahong

Email: bundit@tni.ac.th
วารสารวิชาการหลักสูตรและการสอน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสกลนคร
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
ปีที่ 13 ฉบับที่ 36 เดือนมกราคม-เมษายน พ.ศ. 2564
Volume 13 No.36 January-April 2021
รับเมื่อ 2 ธันวาคม 2563 แก้ไข 29 เมษายน 2564 เผยแพร่ 30 เมษายน 2564


The purposes of this research were 1) to study English language ability of graduate students at Thai-Nichi
Institute of Technology (TNI), 2) to compare English language ability of graduate students according to academic
majors, 3) to self-assess English proficiency of graduate students, 4) to self-assess language needs of graduate
students, 5) to self-assess needs in instructional media of graduate students, 6) to self-assess problems in
learning English of graduate students, and 7) to self-assess attitude of graduate students toward learning English.
Research samples were 55 TNI graduate students in the summer semester of the 2014 academic year,
derived through simple random sampling technique. The instruments for data collection consisted of
self-assessment questionnaires using 5- point rating scale, and an English proficiency test. The statistics for data
analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research findings were as follows:
1. English proficiency of graduate students were overall at a high level (72.60%).
2. The comparison result of mean scores of graduate students’ English proficiency was at a whole of 43.85
(out of 60). When considering each aspect, MIM major students’ mean scores was at the highest level (45.09),
followed by MET major students (43.55), and EEM students at the lowest level (42.92).
3. English proficiency of graduate students regarding self-assessment as a whole was at a moderate level.
4. Language needs of graduate students regarding self-assessment as a whole was at the highest level.
5. Needs for Instructional media of graduate students regarding self-assessment as a whole was at the high level.
6. Problems in learning English of graduate students regarding self-assessment as a whole was at a high level.
7. Attitudes in learning English of graduate students regarding self-assessment as a whole was at a high level.

Keywords : English Proficiency, Problems in Learning English, Attitudes toward Learning English

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