The Implementation of Moves in Email Genre Model for Complaint Letter: The case study of Thai EFL writing


This exploratory study aimed at finding the  application of the Email Genre Model developed by  Zsubrinszky to teach business correspondence with Thai  undergraduate learners. The main purpose is to identify the  four main moves in writing business complaint letter. The  random convenient sampling method was employed. The  number of participants was 35 in an EFL classroom at the  private educational institute. For the method of data collection,  the quantitative analysis was used as the main method to collect  the data both in student’s pieces of writing and their perception  toward this Genre model. The Descriptive frequency applied to  show the tendency of students’ perception. The findings  included the learner’s perception, language structures, writing  style and vocabulary used in the student’s writings. It can be  concluded that the learners were aware of the politeness in  writing letters. Nevertheless, most of the students’ writing style  were at the moderate level of politeness and relatively straight  forward way of writing. For the learner’s perception, more than  80% of the learners had positive attitude. From these findings,  the Zsubrinszky’s Email Genre Model could be implied to the  classroom practice as an alternative way of the pedagogical  implication for teaching business correspondence in EFL  classrooms.

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Post Author: Admin S