Language Proficiency: JLPT N2 or CEFR B2
1. Documents to be submitted
a) 2022 Application Form for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (Research
students) .xlsx
b) Field of Study and Research Plan doc x
c) A documents to identify the applicants’ nationality (A copy of passport, an official
copy of the family register published by the country of applicant’s nationality, a copy
of certification of citizenship and so on)
d) Certificate of Completion published by the universi ty of the applicant’s final academic
e) Academic Record Transcripts published by the university of the applicant’s final
academic background from which the applicant’s academic record is proved to be
f) A recommendation letter to the PresideA recommendation letter to the President of the recipient university issued by the nt of the recipient university issued by the Head of Research Director of the applicant’s relevant universityHead of Research Director of the applicant’s relevant university
g) A bulletin of the applicant’s major publicationA bulletin of the applicant’s major publication
h) A documentA document to prove the applicant’s language skills defined into prove the applicant’s language skills defined in hereinafterhereinafter “9. “9. Language Language Requirements”Requirements” (e.g. A(e.g. An officialn official certification of certification of TOEFL, IELTS orTOEFL, IELTS or JLPT)
2. Preparation for A pplication
Before submitting application, applicants shall
firstly contact Dr. Akihiro Yamamura by
email ( yamamura@ie.akita ) at the soonest to report his/her field of study so that
Akita University will find a supervisor in accordance with each field in advance.
3. Application Period and Email Address for Submission
Application Period: Wednes day , January 5 th , 2022